Know the Dog Diseases and Symptoms

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Know the Dog Diseases and Symptoms

Rabies is probably one of the scariest dog diseases which everyone has heard about. It is also a highly fatal viral disease. The symptoms of rabies include extreme aggression, excessive salivation, and vomiting of blood. Another reason why rabies is such fear is because of the fact that dogs can also get infected when they get scratched or bitten by a diseased rabid dog. The best way to prevent this from happening is to be careful around dogs, and if you see a dog acting strangely, you should call the vet immediately.

Know the Dog Diseases and Symptoms

Distemper is another dog disease that is highly contagious. It is caused by a type of microbe known as Parainfluenza. This bacterium is easily spread through bodily fluids like the tears of a human and the respiratory secretions of a dog. If you see any kind of discharge from your dog or its nose, you should immediately take it to the vet. Puppies are more susceptible to this deadly infection than older dogs.

Leptospirosis is another dog disease that is very easy to identify. It is caused by parasites and can easily be transmitted through bodily fluid, including that of a dog’s saliva. A dog will start exhibiting signs of illness usually within a few days of exposure. Some of the common symptoms of leptospirosis include fever, lack of appetite, swollen lymph nodes, and joint pain.

Know the Dog Diseases and Symptoms

Diabetes mellitus is a dog disease that is caused by an insulin imbalance in the body. The insulin produced by the pancreas is needed for the smooth movement of glucose in the body. If there is an imbalance between insulin and glucose in the blood, diabetes mellitus will occur.

Hip dysplasia and pyelonephritis are two of the other hip diseases affecting the breeds. Hip dysplasia is a condition where the patella, the ball of the foot, does not fit in between the bones. When this happens, the animal becomes prone to joint inflammation and arthritis. As a result, the animal may suffer from severe pain and weight loss.

Pyelonephritis is also caused by an imbalance in the production of insulin. This disease causes the dog to suffer from severe pain and a reduction in blood sugar levels. A dog with pyelonephritis will frequently lick its paws because the skin around its paws is very painful. Diabetics who have dog allergies may suffer from this disease caused by infections by yeast and fungi.

Know the Dog Diseases and Symptoms

Heartworm disease affects mainly male dogs. However, female dogs may get infected as well. The symptoms of heartworm are usually not easy to identify because they often develop slowly. However, when you notice your dog having these symptoms such as frequent burping and vomiting, lameness and swelling of legs, weakness in the left side of its body, and dull coat color, then you need to take it to a veterinarian for a medical examination.

Dog diseases are contagious. Therefore, you should take care of hygiene and cleanliness in order to avoid diseases from affecting your dog. Pets are like family members and therefore they deserve proper attention and care. You must be vigilant about your dog’s health so that he will remain healthy and live a long life.

Diabetes is a canine illness that is characterized by abnormal blood glucose levels. The treatment for diabetes in dogs is different from humans. So, it is important that you should let your veterinarian know all the details of your dog’s case so that you will be able to know what treatment is appropriate for your dog. A dog with diabetes should be observed carefully so that you can identify clinical signs and diagnose your dog properly.

Infectious diarrhea is another type of disease that affects dogs. It is characterized by blood or mucus, severe anemia, and other clinical signs. To prevent this, you should give your dog antibiotic drugs to prevent the spread of infectious diarrhea.

Know the Dog Diseases and Symptoms

Rabies is another highly contagious viral disease that is caused by the infection of viruses and bacteria transmitted through the biting of an infected mammal. In case your dog shows signs of rabies, you should take him to a veterinarian immediately for clinical diagnosis. The treatment of rabies is very hard because it is a viral disease. However, there are various medications available for the treatment of rabies.

Know the Dog Diseases and Symptoms

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