The Most Beautiful Extinct Animals


The Most Beautiful Extinct Animals

Who are the most beautiful Extinct Animals?

Most likely the answer is still a mystery to most of us because there is no evidence that these animals actually existed. They lived many hundreds and thousands of years ago and their remains are very difficult to find. On the other hand they are not extinct yet so we may someday discover them.

The Most Beautiful Extinct Animals

We can learn much about prehistoric creatures by studying their teeth, bones, and even their hair. Some characteristics of prehistoric animals can be seen in modern-day animals such as elk, deer, moose, bison, and whales. All of these animals have certain characteristics in common with each other. These include smallmouth, sharp teeth, long legs, short snout, webbed feet, powerful muscles, and tail curved backward.

Probably one of the most amazing prehistoric animals was the woolly mammoth. Long before man existed the Woolly Mammoth roamed the earth. At the same time, they were considered very beautiful. These prehistoric animals looked similar to modern-day moose, elk, and deer.

The name Woolly Mammoth comes from the Latin word “wool-mee-milk-thorn”, which means mammoth-covered’. These mammoth creatures stood over fifteen feet tall and weighed anywhere between one and two hundred pounds. Their thick fur helped them keep warm and cool, and they had large hearts to pump blood around their body and small stomachs for energy.

These massive animals fed on vegetation and ate roots, grains, and seeds. They would spend their days burrowing under the rocks or searching through logs and rocks. When they went looking for food they would use their large paws to push or dig into the soft soil. While these animals fed on plants and vegetation they also needed to eat meat.

The Most Beautiful Extinct Animals

The biggest threat to these massive herd animals came from hunters. They tried to shoot them with bows and arrows, but the Woolly Mammoths had thick hides and sharp claws. They would easily rip these arrows right through their bodies. Over the years many hunters were killed by the mighty mammoths. Some of them were even maimed so badly that they died right away. As a result, hunting the woolly mammoth became extremely important to the Native Americans.

It is interesting that even today there are still some Woolly mammoths in the wild. Because these animals were so important to Native Americans when they first appeared on earth, they are protected in some places. In fact, the hunting of these animals is a controversial issue. Many people believe that their deaths helped pave the way for the extinction of other animals in the world.

The Most Beautiful Extinct Animals

If you are going to read books about the history of Extinction, you will learn that it took place about sixty million years ago. The reason why the extinctions happened at that time is that there was an enormous meteor hitting the Earth and literally wiped out all of the animal life on the surface of the planet. However, even though the dinosaurs died off, there are still some amazing species alive today. The biggest threat to these animals though is global warming. We must all do our part to save our beautiful animals before it’s too late.

The Most Beautiful Extinct Animals

One interesting fact about these animals is that they have pink skin. This is because their scales look like a bluish tint. In fact, the word “mammoth” is derived from the Greek word for “fur”. When they lived among the Earth’s early inhabitants, they were actually tamed by man. Their natural strength and adaptability made them useful as hunters. The Romans believed that these creatures were only fifteen feet long, but modern research has proven that they may be much bigger.

Mammoths have been around since the Eocene era. During this time, there were many glaciers covering the Earth’s surface. The only way that these huge animals could survive was if they could hold onto their fur. Since they used this as their source of heat, they needed to keep their scales moist.

The Most Beautiful Extinct Animals

There is a chance that some of these animals can still be found in the remote parts of Russia and Alaska. Some research has also shown that Woolly mammoths do not necessarily die off due to extinction. Some survive into the late Pleistocene era. It is possible that if we look hard enough, we will find even more of these amazing creatures. All we have to do is keep looking.

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