Our Animal Friends
Have you ever wondered how animals feel? Do they really have feelings? Animals are often described as the best friends of humans. But why? Why do animals choose to be our friends?
Animals want to be our friends for a number of reasons. First, animals have the instincts to survive. They need food and shelter to survive. Second, animals share our emotions and their sense of feeling with us. Third, animals are our guide and protectors in the wild.
Studies have shown that most wild animals do not trust humans, but they still love us anyway. These studies also show that animals prefer to be friends with humans rather than enemies. Animals want to have a friend to lean on when there is danger, a mate to care for, and a family to protect. Animals also seek friendship from members of their own species. The family tree is a good example of this.
As animals, we share a common bond. Our fur and blood are similar. When animals experience death their emotional pain is expressed through tears. Friends will groom an animal gently after death, no matter what type of animal it is.
Another reason that animals are our friends is that they help us when we are in trouble. Think about the times you have run into a tree or fallen from a ladder. Would you have helped the other person if you could? Many people would probably never try to help someone in a life-threatening situation.
In nature, animals help each other by protecting each other. If a bear is attacked by another bear it will use its sharp teeth and defend itself. Birds will save themselves by fluffing up and landing firmly on the ground rather than flying away. Dogs will protect their master by licking his or her face. Even though these animals don’t always show these loving behaviors, you can recognize them as a friend when they do.
Another reason animals are our friends is that they can act as a warning system when we are ignoring warnings. For example, if there is a snake near your home, your dog will usually snap at the snake. This lets you know there is a dangerous animal close by that you should be cautious of. It can be a sign of a venomous snake if the snake returns.
Our animals can also be our friends when we take care of them in a nurturing way. If your pet is misbehaving, ignore it for a moment and pet it. Often times this simple gesture will curb or eliminate any bad behavior. Sometimes ignoring bad behavior is enough to change the animal’s mood. However, if the problem persists you may need to seek professional help. Your veterinarian can give you helpful tips for helping your animals in the correct way.
Animals can be our friends when we treat them with care and love. Sometimes we are lucky enough to have animals that love us back. Other times we have to work a little harder. Even if the relationship seems temporary – that is no reason not to keep animals around. If we do, the bond between humans and animals will strengthen and the friendship we share will endure.
Our Animal Friends